Week 1: #takebackthepower
trended in a few cities in the US
Week 2: #savewilloughby
trended in the United States as well as some cities
Week 3: #vivanewvegas
trended in the United States as well as some cities
{Week 4: #StartARevolution
Week 5: #RevolutionS3
Week 6: #RenewRevolution
trended in cities like Philly, Atlanta, Memphis, etc.} - during hiatus
Week 7: #RevolutionReturns
trended in the United States! (for over an hour!)
Week 8: #LightsOn
trended in the United States!
Week 9: #RevolutionShowdown
trended in the United States!
Week 10: #WhyWeFight
trended in the U.S!
Week 11: #AustinCityLimits
trended in the US!
Week 12: #RevolutionAftermath
trended in the US!
Week 13: #RevolutionFaceOff
Week 14: #RevolutionFinale
trended in the United States within 3 minutes!
I love Revolution it's the best show in history pleeeeeease bring it back thanks for your support!