The awful news is that NBC has cancelled Revolution.
The wonderful news is that we still have hope!
Many shows in the past, after being cancelled, have gone on to other networks and been even more successful. One example is JAG. It was on NBC for one year before they cancelled it and then it was picked up by CBS..for 9 more seasons. Now we are hoping that other networks can do the same for Revolution.
Warner Brothers owns Revolution and wanted to see this show get saved as much as we did.
I really think Revolution can be successful on another network where they are promoted properly, don't have such random and long breaks, and have support from the network.
You, the fans, have been so dedicated to this show and have fought so hard. We need a third season so this show isn't left in the dust and can have a proper ending.
The campaign now is "Relocate Revolution"
If Revolution can be picked up by either Netflix, CBS, ABC, FOX, CW, TNT, HBO, AMC, USA, etc. we can get ourselves a third season.
So, one place to go for update is right here:
This is a community forum you can sign up for where fans can discuss our next move in saving this show. We're working on gathering contact information for Warner Brothers as well as the other networks. Send e-mails, letters, tweets, anything you can to let them know fans will follow Revolution to their network if they pick it up.
*We also still have the petition up and running, it just has a new target. Sign it, share it, let the networks know we want it!
*Jon Favreau posted on facebook that he has talked to Eric Kripke about how fans want to save the show and move it to another network and they both said they are thankful for the support. We still have a shot, here! He and many other cast and crew members have been very supportive of this.
* You can send an e-mail to Ted Sarandos, he decides the shows that Netflix picks up! His email is When/If you write him, please be respectful and ask nicely for them to pick Revolution up for a third season! Just show him the dedication fans of this show have!

Remember why we fight! We're fighting for our show, the cast, & the crew! There is hope for us yet.
Now is when the real revolution begins.
(You guys are the greatest. Seeing the dedication this fandom has for the show is so amazing.)
I guess I'm confused when you say, "Warner Brothers owns Revolution and wanted to see this show get cancelled as much as we did."...??? But yes, I am so upset about this that I have actually cried about it and I have signed every petition and retweeted everything I possible could. I am completely devastated over this!!
ReplyDeleteI mean they didn't want to see it cancelled. It's absolutely heartbreaking but there is hope for it!
ReplyDeleteIs there a certain network that would be most likely to pick it up? I'm so mad at NBC! I'm never starting another show on their network again!
ReplyDeleteWhy stop at 3 if we can get it back if the story line is there go for 4
ReplyDeleteI'm gonna miss miles sense of humor I sure hope it comes back
ReplyDeleteI emailed the Netflix guy. I really hope they pick it up... then I can binge it.
ReplyDeleteI don't own a smart phone, so using Twitter is off the table for me. I've signed the petition and am hoping for the best. I'm an extremely finicky television viewer, but when "Revolution" first started, the premise hooked me and I committed myself to watching every episode. Too much has happened in that uncertain-but-thrilling dystopia and the characters that populate it to just end it without reaching a logical conclusion. The issues "Revolution" bring up cannot be tied up into some kind of neat little bow and then pretend nothing ever happened. Something mysteriously sinister did happen; its characters responded to it in the most human of ways and that's why we watch.
ReplyDeletewell of all the networks mentioned before....don't count on FOX....they're also canceling great shows for fun...see terra nova-almost human-firefly
ReplyDeleteWe need to make this well kno, post the link on all social networks, put up flyers, talk to people, get a real petition going 100k min.
ReplyDeleteWhy cancel a show yes only 2million people watch it, but when one of those 2million people start to revolt and brake your car because you ruened there Wednesdays that is you fault NBC.
ReplyDeleteI loved it. The last episode was promising. There is soo much more in store for this storyline. The charachters are great. The relationships between the characters were evolving beautifully. I love Monroe. Sad to never see him again. Tom Neville was great. Jason should be revived. The nanotech-story was just developing... Anyway, so many beautiful things to say about this show, so many more horizons to be explored. Damn shame they cut it short. If I were another channel, I'd go for it. And yes, it makes me sad, that just because of the fewer viewers, a good show has to go. I once heard at Universal Studios "It's all an illusion". Well, I can say, I am completely des-illusion-ed by the decision to cancel Revolution. Incomprehensible. Love you cast and crew!
ReplyDeleteI have said this about many other shows that have gotten axed by dumb network exec. season 3 should be done and put straight to DVD and try to get it on Netflix and Amazon Prime.
ReplyDeleteI am so disappointed that NBC cancelled Revolution. I signed the petition and hope another network picks it up. Just leaving the fans hanging after the finale is not right.
ReplyDeleteTried the email address you have on here for Netflix and doesn't exist, it won't send. :-( I'd like to try any avenue to help, do you have a different email address?
ReplyDeleteI don't watch TV but bought a antenna just so I could watch Revolution.. FU NBC.. syfy or AMC is my likely candidates. Then I will be a little pissed because I refuse to buy cable.
ReplyDeletePost the Revolution campaign information on the Cancelled Sci Fi Reddit Site ( and then get the fans to upvote it to the front page. That should bring some good attention to your cause.
ReplyDeleteHey guys. another way to be heard is to go to live chat section of netflix and chat with reps of netflix like I did who said they would pass on messages to those in charge. might be good idea If let people on Twitter and facebook know. its good to mention we would even start account to pay into for it if we got noone to pick up show as shows the demand.
ReplyDeleteHey guys would kriple think of doing a revolution fanfics himself to write a season 3 story that would give closure to fans if not relocated .
ReplyDeleteSad sad sad
ReplyDeletePlease please bring back Revolution with Jason Neville bk alive, bringing back Jason will bring back all the millions of fans for this great programme . Am sure all the fans will want to see charley and Jason back together that will make the programme even better than what it was, honestly.
ReplyDeleteRevolution was the only show my wife and I both liked
ReplyDeleteBest show out in a long time. The show lost viewers because of how they handled the breaks through the season . SYFY would be a great channel or why can't the WB air it...they own it.
ReplyDeleteyeah its sad a show has to be mindless crap like all reality tv and people who actually believe its real; and the people are not told exactly what to do on all so called reality tv from survivor on to chef competition shows; are retarded